Wednesday, August 18, 2010

No Dining Out Challenge Week 1

How's everyone doing?? Please post a comment here or on Facebook and let me know what you have put into your account this week!

I am proud to say that after returning from Kansas City (AWESOME trip by the way!), we haven't eaten out once! Yay! I am determined to keep it going! Something I am doing to ease the transition...

Inviting friends over for dinner and games. For me, going out to dinner isn't because I hate to cook or even for convenience. For me, its all about socialization. Has anyone else noticed that's what people ALWAYS do when they get together? I am working on new things to do with friends so that my need is met. I don't do well with deprivation.

So $30 into my Disney account for not going out this week! How did you do??

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