So over my holidays, I got to adventure up to Branson for what else but outlet shopping!! While the Disney Outlet in Tanger NEVER disappoints, this trip I stumbled upon something far more awesome! A Toys R Us Express nestled in the Factory Merchant Mall (the one with bright red roof!). The Toys R Us Express is a seasonal store, preparing to close its doors this year in Mid February. If you are up for a road trip, this is SOOOOOO WORTH IT! Toys are 70% off AND DROPPING to clear inventory for the closing. I got (are you sitting down)
A Disney Princess Vanity Set
4 Bottles of Buzz Lightyear Bubble Bath
1 Mickey Mouse Kids Plate
1 Pooh Bear Kids Plate
1 Pooh Bear Kids Bowl
1 Abby Cadabby Take Care of Toy (the one with the birth certificate, baby bottle etc)
1 Disney Princess game set
1 Complete Train Set with Train
After using my Christmas shopping reards (WHICH THEY TAKE!!) I spent 2.38!!!
Anyone wanna go??
Be blessed!
The Freebie Junkie :)